I want to make several remarks to be realized as questions to everybody and any government, not only to "Gazprom" as a part of Russian Government and its foreign policies.
We have received lot of explanations and responses – more than recent picturesque 10 – from an interested business group "Nord Stream", but no response to the Resolution of European Parliament of 2008, July 8 has been present until now. That European document contains many requests and questions to be met or responded before the building work may leave sovereign Russia territory and enter an international sea touching significantly its bed and waters having their own streams and vulnerabilities.
Document issued many points really important for European nations presented by European Parliament, but all that remained likely not overviewed properly by Nord Stream, except of a set of amendments by "Gazprom" introduced two days before the final vote at the Plenary by signatures of German parliamentarians.
That arrogant ignorance is typical for Russian political style and proves, therefore, "Nord Stream" be a project and goal of current Russian Government, at first.
Confusion of terminology – allegedly European Council approved the very project, not the idea only, – is typical Russian as well.
One more significant failure for all future PR was the very beginning of it as well as the general background in promotion of Russia's policies world wide, what is global bribery. To mention at least, the conflict of interests of the former Chancellor G. Schroeder proves that "Nord Stream" is not an exception from those practices. It makes doubtful any environmental impact assessment ordered and prepaid (finally by 100 millions euro) by "Nord Stream" in advance, just before European Parliament requested a "truly independent" expertise.
Let us to say in deep doubt, would be that 100 millions paid in a case, if assessment was not totally positive for that enterprise.
Among the lack of any environmental guarantees, who could state firmly, of course, not "Gazprom", that Russian navy is not be deployed as the guard of a pipe in an international waters turning them into not international anymore but annexed, as similar steps were exercised and experiences are going on recently in the Black Sea.
There is a threat for international security not only on that environmental level, but also as an eventual military political pressure as well. Therefore it should ne treated very seriously despite no government, not only the German and Russian ones, did respond yet to it.