The Economist: Lithuania and Latvia eager to follow Estonian example

Plunging unemployment, rocketing growth, soaring exports and a budget surplus: that is the story of Estonia as it bounces back from a precipitous economic collapse. This burst of good news shows not only the virtues of flexibility and austerity (a sensitive subject, as other euro countries taste the same medicine); it also gives heart to Latvia and Lithuania, the British weekly The Economist writes. READ MORE
West Balkans: On the Way to Euro-Atlantic Integration

In course of almost two decades NATO has assured security in West Balkans. During this period interaction of the region with NATO has been drifted from peacemaking and crisis regulation to Euro-Atlantic integration. READ MORE
OSCE Centre Helps Promote Integrated Water Resource Management In Kazakhstan

The meeting was initiated jointly by the Centre and the UNDP Office as part of a multi-year project aimed at introducing IWRM principles in Kazakhstan's legal and institutional framework. The event was also supported by the European Union, International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea and the Government of Finland, the press service of the OSCE Centre in Astana reports. READ MORE
Russia and Georgia, At It Again
I am in Tbilisi to talk about what is (or at least should be) of deep concern to Georgians: the country’s long-term domestic evolution, economic problems and political transition. But a lot of Georgians, especially in the government, want the conversation to get back to the enemy just outside—Russia. Is this because the Georgians are paranoid and want to use the Russian bear to distract attention from their own problems? Or because the Russians are actually out to get them? Or perhaps a bit of both? READ MORE
What the Norway Attack Could Mean for Europe

At least 17 people have died and more have been injured in an explosion in downtown Oslo and a shooting at a Labor Party youth camp outside the Norwegian capital. Norwegian police arrested the shooter at the camp and believe he is connected with the explosion, though others could be involved. READ MORE
Lithuania’s leadership in the region: opportunities of small EU Member States

To have a clear goal or a vision is important not only for humans but also for a state. Well-defined goals are the most effective tools facilitating the achievement of the desired results; therefore, the states should have a clear future vision. More than five years have passed since Lithuania has set a controversial vision - the ambition to become a regional political leader. Were the ambitions defined by the Lithuanian foreign policy-makers realized in reality? READ MORE
Croatia as EU's 28th member: Better late than never!

Croatia's membership of the European Union was delayed and the country was forced to be particularly tough on corruption because many in the EU believed Bulgaria and Romania's accession in 2007 was premature, argues Croatian journalist Augustin Palokaj. He provides an overview of the past, present and future of Croatia's EU journey. READ MORE
Is WTO ready for Russian bear?

Russia is the only major trading nation that has not yet joined the World Trade Organization — even after years of negotiations with the United States and other member states. This could finally change, however, if the Obama administration can resolve long-troublesome concerns. READ MORE

At the European Union’s General Affairs Council meeting in the evening of 18 July in Brussels, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Ažubalis drew the attention of other EU foreign ministers to the actions of the Austrian authorities, as they hastily released former KGB officer Mikhail Golovatov. READ MORE
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Refutes and Explains

The information Internet portal held an online-conference with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov. READ MORE