The First Anti-Terrorism OSCE Conference Took Place In The Capital Of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan advocates the promotion of interaction between various international bodies within the issues of struggle against modern threats and challenges. This was covered during the expert anti-terrorism OSCE Conference in Astana. READ MORE
The New World Order

For centuries we have used maps to delineate borders that have been defined by politics. But it may be time to chuck many of our notions about how humanity organizes itself. Across the world a resurgence of tribal ties is creating more complex global alliances. Where once diplomacy defined borders, now history, race, ethnicity, religion, and culture are dividing humanity into dynamic new groupings. READ MORE
Belgian Firm Planning Surprise Twist In Nabucco Story

A little-known Belgian businessman says his company is poised to clinch a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) deal with Turkmenistan in November in a potential setback for the EU's Nabucco and Russia's South Stream pipeline projects. READ MORE
Russia's Black Sea Fleet - Top Of The Agenda Again

The Yantar (Amber) shipyard in Kaliningrad, Russia's Baltic exclave, has to date built three more Project 11356 Talwar-class (Krivak-class) frigates for the Indian Navy and now plans to launch construction of similar warships for the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, after winning a Defense Ministry contract. READ MORE
European Missile Shield Plan Is Expected To Gain Support

U.S. and NATO officials said Thursday they expect that the military alliance will formally participate in the Obama administration's plan for a missile defense shield over Europe, scheduled to be activated next year. READ MORE
Think Tank Report Urges EU To Reconsider Chosen Security Strategies

Pan-European security cooperation will top the agenda at the Deauville Summit between the leaders of Germany, France and Russia but while the topic is a pressing one, are they the right people to be talking about it? READ MORE
Initiative On The Caspian OSCE Clone

Addressing the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov mentioned the initiative to found a “Forum on Security, Peace and Cooperation in Central Asia and Caspian basin”. Obviously, they are talking about a kind of the OSCE analogue in the region. READ MORE
Global Insights: Kyrgyzstan Election Benefits Regional Security
Few would have expected it to be possible a few months ago, but Kyrgyzstan managed to hold a free, fair, and surprisingly non-violent and trouble-free parliamentary election this weekend. In an assessment widely shared by regional experts, David Trilling, writing at EurasiaNet, concluded, "Kyrgyzstan's parliamentary elections couldn't have gone better." READ MORE
Kyrgyzstan Votes And Surprises The World

When Kyrgyzstan counted the votes in a parliamentary election Monday, the strong showing of a nationalist party was only one surprise. The bigger surprise was that the results were not a foregone conclusion, making this small, mostly Muslim nation the first in Central Asia to hold free elections in pursuit of a democratic system. READ MORE
Election Results Threaten U.S. Presence At Manas Air Base

Political parties backed by Russia are poised to take power in Kyrgyzstan, threatening closure for a strategic U.S. airbase for the war in Afghanistan. READ MORE