December 28th
EU Competitiveness and Industrial Location

In its May 2005 the Group of Economic Policy Analysis (GEPA) discussed the issue of EU competitiveness and industrial location. At that meeting, a request was made for BEPA to prepare a report taking stock of the phenomena of delocalisation and outsourcing in particular and globalisation in general assessing their impact on the European economy and (iii) considering how potential challenges can be addressed.
This report – a draft of which was presented to the GEPA in September 2005 – is a response to this request. The report discusses EU trade patterns, reviews factors affecting industrial location decisions, reviews relevant evidence on globalisation and relocation and their impact in particular on employment and presents a set of policies aimed at improving the EU's competitiveness and its ability to address challenges emanating from these shocks.
December 15th
The EU and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership

The EU and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership
I. Introduction: Th e EU and Central Asia
Central Asia has a centuries-old tradition of bringing Europe and Asia together. It lies at a strategically important intersection between the two continents. The Central Asian States of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have known considerable evolution in political and economic transformation since attaining independence. They have established statehood, safeguarded multi-ethnic understanding and inter-religious communication. By joining the OSCE, they subscribed to the Organization’s values, standards and commitments. By signing the United Nations Millennium Declaration they set themselves ambitious goals.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the time has come for a new partnership between the EU and Central Asian States in a globalised world. READ MORE