April 29th
Russia Pushes Bulgaria to Decide on Oil Pipeline, Nuclear Plant

Russia urged Bulgaria to speed up decisions to allow the countries to start building an oil pipeline bypassing Turkey’s Bosporus strait and a nuclear power plant on the Danube River. READ MORE
April 27th
Ukraine's President Resists Russia on Trade

KIEV, Ukraine—President Viktor Yanukovych brushed off Moscow's latest efforts to woo Ukraine into a Russia-led trade bloc, insisting in an interview that Kiev wants special terms that would allow it to develop relations with the European Union as well. READ MORE
China’s Maritime Strategy Is More Than Naval Strategy

The sporadic confrontations that punctuated the past two years in the China seas subsided for a time. Senior U.S. military officials depicted the lull as a temporary, tactical retreat from the assertive stance Beijing assumed on such controversies as conflicting maritime territorial claims, foreign naval operations, and military surveillance in the "near seas". READ MORE
It’s Time to Create New Financial Architecture

On May 3rd – 4th the capital of Kazakhstan shall hold the IV Astana Economic Forum (AEF) on the subject: “New Decade: Challenges and Prospects”. READ MORE
April 25th
Lessons of Chernobyl must be learned, but nuclear should not be abandoned

Japan and other nations will heed the lessons of Chernobyl as they deal with the aftermath of Fukushima, says Ukraine's Deputy Economy Minister Valery Piatnitsky. READ MORE
India gains a foothold in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan tries to balance its geopolitical interests between the east and the west when handing out oil and gas reserves. So it was high time that India, which landed a block in the Caspian Sea on Saturday, got a break in the central Asian country where US, Russian and Chinese oil firms have secured huge energy deals. READ MORE
Expert: Visit of Kazakhstan President to Give a New Impulse to the Economy of Estonia

As the transit expert Raivo Vare considers, the visit of Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Estonia is a significant step within the relations development between the two states and it will positively influence the economy of our country. READ MORE
Nuclear Non-Proliferation within World Scale

The problem of non-proliferation still remains to be a complicated international problem. Current war in North African Libya once again has reminded of it. Politicians and experts began remembering, that Muammar Gaddafi intended aforetime for Libya to become a member of the nuclear club. But under powerful pressure of the leading UNO member-states he was forced to refuse of such plans, which in practice helped him to restore relations of Tripoli with world powers and other states of the world. Today, when Libya has found itself under the pressure of the UN sanctions, when NATO member-states lead warfare within its territory, it is even frightful to think what could happen if Gaddafi possessed nuclear weapon. They say, that in this case there could be no intervention of western states into Libya. READ MORE
April 22nd
Countries join together in Kyiv to assure nuclear safe future, attract financing

An International Nuclear Safety Summit and a Donor Conference themed "25 Years after the Chernobyl Disaster, Safety for the Future" were held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on April 18-19. READ MORE
Private probe: Officials in Russian tax fraud case stashed millions offshore

The American investor who once employed Sergei Magnitsky, a whistle-blowing lawyer who died unattended in a Moscow jail cell in 2009, said Monday that tax officials involved in the fraudulent $230 million refund scheme that Magnitsky was trying to expose have bought millions of dollars’ worth of real estate in Russia, Montenegro and Dubai, and stashed millions more in offshore bank accounts. READ MORE