November 30th
Tajikistan is only Central Asian country identified by Afghans as providing foreign aid to Afghanistan - public opinion survey

Afghans remain largely unaware of any reconstruction project or foreign aid provided to them by the countries of Central Asia, according to a new public opinion survey conducted in Afghanistan by the San Francisco-based Asia Foundation, a major international nonprofit group, reported Silk Road Newsline. READ MORE
Baltic States share common goals

President Dalia Grybauskaitė held a meeting with Latvian President Andris Bērziņš and Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves in Raudondvaris Castle. READ MORE
IEA Pegs U.S. as Top Oil Producer by 2020

A shale-oil boom will thrust the U.S. ahead of Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer by 2020, a radical shift that could profoundly transform not just the world's energy supplies but also its geopolitics, the International Energy Agency said. READ MORE
Ukraine wants to diversify energy supply routes through partnership with Caspian states

The Ukrainian government is successfully implementing a program to improve the state's energy independence by diversifying the routes and sources of energy supplies and increasing domestic production. Ukraine sees the Caspian states as important partners for the diversification of energy supply routes and sources and the implementation of joint energy projects. READ MORE
East Remains the Key Direction to Ensure National Security for Polish Policy

After the year of 1990 Polish policy within eastern direction staked at the USSR collapse and establishment of the belt of free, liberal and friendly countries, a peculiar stable buffer zone protecting Poland from Russia. The slogan was the idea of Jerzy Giedroyc: “The stronger our position in East is, the more West shall take us into account”. READ MORE
November 28th
Catalan elections: What alternative to secession?

The results of the Catalan elections of November 25 show that a majority of Catalans are likely to vote in favour of independence in case a referendum is organised. However, this majority is not very ample and suggests that the high expectations that were put on these elections by national and international media were exaggerated. READ MORE
Moldova ranks first on Eastern Partnership countries' European integration index

Moldova ranks first on the Eastern Partnership countries' European integration index, according to the study "European integration index for Eastern Partnership countries", carried out by experts from six countries and the EU. READ MORE
Kukan: Separatism alone cannot lead to creation of a state

Asked to compare Czechoslovakia's Velvet Divorce two decades ago to today's separatist tendencies in Europe, Slovak MEP Eduard Kukan says separatism alone cannot lead to the creation of a state. READ MORE
Lithuania's would-be foreign minister Linas Linkevičius wishes for reset in relations with neighbours

Candidate to head Lithuania's Foreign Ministry, Ambassador to Belarus Linas Linkevičius, says that Lithuania will benefit from resetting its relations with neighbors, emphasizing that no revolutionary changes will take place in foreign policy. READ MORE
Can Obama get Afghanistan right in second term?

The war in Afghanistan was largely ignored in the lead up to the U.S. presidential election. But with a second term now confirmed for President Barack Obama, Kabul is once again vying for Washington’s attention. READ MORE