
Archive - Apr 4, 2012


NATO in Central Asia

By Arthur Dunn

The North Atlantic Alliance had engaged regional governments on defense matters since the mid-1990s, when former Soviet Central Asian republics have joined NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) and its related Partnership for Peace (PfP) program. READ MORE

Caucasian Endspiel

Azerbaijan leaves. READ MORE

Look who's saving the world: BRICS pump up foreign aid


By Elizabeth Dickinson

The so-called BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — are upping their foreign assistance by leaps and bounds at a time when traditional donors’ aid budgets are frozen.

Lithuania and Poland: Lost in Translation

By Wojciech Borodzicz-Smolinski, Vytis Jurkonis

Lithuanian–Polish relations, though far from being perfect in the political sense, are on a very good level in economic terms. This awkward situation is not only a hard task for policy makers, but may also influence future generations and their vision regarding the cooperation between Poland and Lithuania. The bilateral relations of Poland and Lithuania, therefore, have become hostage to the complicated history of both nations and their respective complex inner political situations. READ MORE

NATO in 2020: Secretary General sets out his vision


Seeking the right balance between Allies is the key to the continued success of NATO for 2020 and beyond. This can only be achieved by focusing on shared purpose, responsibility and leadership between European and North American Allies. READ MORE

Kazakhstan was in spotlight at Seoul Summit - expert Anton Caragea


Seoul summit has just ended, but its results were laid long before its start. No doubt we are witnessing only the beginning of the birth of the international tradition on the regulation of nuclear weapons and nuclear safety, professor Anton Caragea, director of Bucharest Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation believes. READ MORE