
Archive - Aug 2012


August 31st

Polish Missile Defense Plan Puts Poland First

In an August 6, 2012 interview in the Polish weekly Wprost, President Bronislaw Komorowski stated that Poland is prepared to create its own  anti-aircraft and missile defense system as part of a NATO shield. While some saw the statement as a rejection of U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed missile defense system, others viewed it as a sign of  Poland’s weakening military alliance with the United States. Both arguments are misleading. READ MORE

Iran committed to Mideast free of nuclear weapons, Leader tells NAM


Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei insisted on Thursday that Iran has never been seeking to produce nuclear weapons. However, the Leader said Iran “will never give up” its right to a peaceful use of nuclear energy. READ MORE

Kazakhstan is on the way of impressive development: Guido Westerwelle

Germany and Kazakhstan are closely connected by multifaceted cooperation in many spheres. 200 000 people of German parentage, residing in Kazakhstan, bridge the two nations as well. READ MORE

«We Intend to Proceed Enhancing Close Cooperation with Kazakhstan» — the Head of the European Commission Delegation to Kazakhstan Norbert Jousten

By Muratbek Makulbekov

The European Union is the most important partner of Kazakhstan on provision of financial and technical granting aid. This year it is 15 years since the Delegation of the European Commission had been opened in Kazakhstan. On the eve of the anniversary the Head of the Delegation Norbert Jousten during the talk to our reporter told about their achievements and about their future plans READ MORE

August 29th

North against South in Europe?


Europe's dividing lines in the debt crisis run between the rich North and less well-off South - at first glance, anyway. But closer examination suggests the truth is more complicated. READ MORE

Gabala radar station is not worth a brass farthing?

By Arthur Pryjmak

In late 2012, the lease term of Gabala radar station expires. Azerbaijan insists on inherently disadvantageous for Russia conditions of the contract extension. Previously Moscow paid Baku $ 7.5 million per year, but now Baku demands $ 300 million. At the same time, the lease term reduces from 49 to 7 years. Russian Defense Ministry, in order to optimize costs, has decided to close the Russian sector of the school and hospital, sending families of the officers away from Azerbaijan. The officers' wives took it as a disaster and began to appeal to all authorities. One of the recipients was the military commentator of "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" Viktor Litovkin. GTimes reporter spoke with him on the problems of the Gabala radar station. READ MORE

August 27th

Spanish Ambassador Miguel Arias Estévez: Lithuania is an open country

By Justinas Šuliokas

Spain's ambassador to Lithuania Miguel Arias Estévez likes everything about his host country: the food is good, people are friendly, and the climate is perfectly bearable. The ambassador particularly enjoys walking in Lithuania's green forests, something that cannot be found in Spain.

Turkish interests in the Caucasus


By Andrey Barinov

In recent times, the role of Turkey is growing in the Middle East due to the Syrian events increasing the general tension in the region. It is no secret that Turkey has an interest in spreading its political influence on neighboring sub-regions, for example in the South Caucasus or Central Asia. Such directions of Turkish geopolitical development are not new in the history of the country. At the same time, and it is very important, motives and reasons for them are different. In the early 20th century political development of the Ottoman Empire was defined by a difficult complex of internal contradictions and external disability; but today revival of old ideas is initiated by the economically, politically and military strong country. READ MORE

August 24th

Yerzhan Kazykhanov: We Revived Lost Cultural and Political Contacts with Islamic World Thanks to OIC Chairmanship

By Mejrambek Bajgarin

Interview of the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan. READ MORE