August 30th
Ambassador: USA and Uzbekistan equally interested in strengthening security in Central Asia
The United States of America and Uzbekistan are equally interested in strengthening security in Central Asia and furthering the prosperity of the region, the U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan George Krol told the country's media outlets on Wednesday. READ MORE
Azerbaijan Earns Deferential Treatment from Moscow
Among the six countries in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program, Azerbaijan under its President Ilham Aliyev seems uniquely impervious to Russian forms of leverage and, consequently, unique in receiving respectful treatment from the Kremlin. These two factors are closely connected in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s view of international relations, derived from his own social milieu. Like a neighborhood bully, Putin respects strength while intimidating those more vulnerable. READ MORE
No strike on Syria before G20 summit: Russian experts
Leaders of the group of the G20 major economies are set to debate sanctions against Syria in a 5-6 September meeting in St Petersburg, with Western nations led by the United States preparing for air strikes in retaliation to a recent chemical attack on civilians. READ MORE
August 28th
Russia’s Middle-East End Game, at the Hands of the Post-Soviet Grandmaster
Why Putin believes U.S. policies in the Middle East since the Arab Spring have been misguided, unprincipled, and dangerous. READ MORE
Davutoğlu calls for Security Council decision if Syria refuses chemical attack probe
Following visits to three European capitals, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu continued his diplomatic push for Syria in Istanbul, meeting successively the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) leader Ahmad Jarba and his Qatari counterpart Khaled al-Attiyah on Aug. 24. READ MORE
August 26th
Bulgarian and Romanian migration: “An imaginary fear”
The eastern enlargement of the EU in 2004 is acclaimed by many, especially the elites, as the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries “returning to Europe”. Enlargement is encouraged by ambitions of forming Pan-European unity, extending its influence, promulgating the ideas of the free market economy, pluralistic democracy, and democratic values, and preventing conflict between newly-independent countries. However, searching for stability inside and greater effectiveness outside of European elites via Eastern enlargement is in contradiction with that the expansion will be cause of massive influx of migrants. Since, this was the first time in EU’s history that many countries and people in this size would have joined the EU at the same time via 2004 enlargement. In the eyes of the “old Europeans”, the wealth disparity between the old and new members and the more dynamic demographic structure of Eastern Europe might cause massive migration. It’s for this reason that Eurobarometer surveys in the late 1990s repeatedly showed that many Europeans opposed to “big-bang enlargement” feared losing their jobs. READ MORE
Held on August 13, 2013 visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin in one of the key countries of the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan and accompanied the President respectable Russian delegation, which included representatives of the first echelon of the government and big business, has once again demonstrated what a tremendous value that this the region continues to be for Moscow. And it is directly related to the extremely favorable geopolitical location of the South Caucasus, especially in periods of high volatility around its perimeter. READ MORE
August 25th
In the case around the former head of BTA Bank Ablyazova new twist. Investigation Chamber of the Court of Appeal the French city of Aix-en-Provence refused to meet his request for release from custody. Decisions on extradition, he will wait in detention. According to the lawyer of ex-banker, the court "found insufficient" ensure that the former head of BTA Bank, if released, will not leave the territory of France. In addition, the court "is not sure that the security Ablyazova will be better ensured if he would be released." READ MORE
August 23rd
Diplomat: EU-China cooperation is not zero-sum game
China has a positive attitude in its EU relations, but it is also strongly determined to safeguard the interests of its nation and enterprises, Xi Jian, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Warsaw. READ MORE