The order amended the governmental resolution dated by October 15, 2005 on export customs fees for crude oil and oil products.
According to the message, the data in the column titled 'customs fee' (in US dollars per 1 000 kg) was changed from 20 to 40.
The Foreign Ministry was ordered to report the secretariat of the international committee of Eurasian economic community about the measures taken by Kazakhstan's government for foreign trade regulation.
ECF on oil products does not concern subsoil users working in Kazakhstan on the base of Product Share Agreement (PSA) signed with the government until January 1, 2009. It also does not concern subsoil users released from the fee in their contracts, except for those, who pay royalty.
The government decreased ECF in December for light and dark oil products to $98.13 and $65.42 correspondingly from the previous $99.71 and $66.47.
Kazakhstan Today