Off-system opposition of Kazakhstan has suffered crushing fiasco. This is underlined by the refusal of definite lobbying forces of West to support the main opposer of the country Mukhtar Ablyazov.
Current situation proves that informational war with Mukhtar Ablyazov has been lost, financial state has been corrupted, and the influence of Kazakhstan has been reduced to minimum.
First, about informational confrontation. Trying to escape from criminal prosecution of Kazakhstan (Ablyazov is blamed for conversion of several billion of USD, belonging to BTA bank), the oligarch launch the opposition game. And I should say that at definite stage he managed to develop a working scheme to discredit authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Informational resources, which are under control of the oligarch, aggravated the atmosphere, hyperbolizing the problems, that are peculiar to any society under the formula turning any fly into an elephant.
The peak of popularity of specified Mass Media coincided with the events in Janaozen – as it was exactly the channel K+ of Ablyazov to find itself in the epicenter of tragic events.
In this city, I’ll remind, a strike of oilmen took place, which resulted into bashings in the city and clashes with the police. The TV-channel, headed by Ablyazov, pictured out the details of the riot, dwelling about hundreds of dead – which was lie, it lied about the reasons of collisions and described it only from one view. In terms of complete mess reporters, working for the oligarch, led active disinformation, demonizing the authorities and glorifying the strikers as the new-order-fighters. It’s demonstrative that clashes with the authorities happened the day when whole Kazakhstan was celebrating national holiday – the Independence Day.
Later, analyzing the information, experts firmly concluded – it was a detailed planned action, which was actively prepared directly by the people of Ablyazov. Courts trials, held in Aktau under the participants of Janaozen events demonstrate that labor dispute has been intentionally politicized, manually brought into the angle of force confrontation. The oilmen turned out to be the underparts in this theater of absurd.
But even riots in west of Kazakhstan didn’t help Ablyazov to win the informational war. Heroic gloss had fallen from fake revolutionists, when it turned out that the initiators of the riots were specially trained brigades of criminals. This is also proved by the result of as if peaceful action – cold and shut arms, confiscated from the fighters, total foray, robbed and burned shops, supermarkets, ATM machines.
Also the figure of the oligarch Ablyazov has played its role in the informational war. He is also followed by a number of crimes and lies, that all the attempts to besmirch the authorities of Kazakhstan face quite reasonable doubts. Ablyazov is trusted probably only by delegates – socialists from the European Union, for whom the protest action independently from geography is the only possibility of political self-accomplishment.
The image of Ablyazov wanted by law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Great Britain – it is the image of a successful cheat, thief, liar, whose political activity is a peculiar cover against the claims of the Themis. Today even in England they are aware of that: it has for a long time in practice covered the criminal cynically masking it with complicated procedural issues within the frames of court process, which has prolonged for years.
And that the court process this year still has gone to its home-straight already means something. First of all that foreign players within Kazakh field don’t already have interest in Ablyazov. After Ablyazov had ignored the decision on international freezing of assets and in practice lied to the court on the number of other principal moments – English Themis sentenced him for 22 months of prison for disrespect towards the court. And the criminal had to run away urgently from the shores of Foggy Albion.
Current situation for Ablyazov is the beginning of the end. He has a lost significant part of his assets. He has lost his assistants. Thus, recently the court of Cyprus has sentenced to imprisonment a citizen of Great Britain Paul Kitreotis, the instigator of Ablyazov. The motive is the same – disrespect to the High Court of London, as false testimony. His arrest allowed preventing spending of the assets, which today Kazakhstan in person of BTA bank tries to get back in a judicial procedure. Today the assets in the amount of 5 billion USD have been given for the foreign control under the decision of the High Court of London.
Having lost a significant part of financial basis and which is not less important of London cover, Ablyazov as a political figure has turned into a complete zero. He is just an escaped criminal. There have been no followers left also in Kazakhstan. The group of comrades from non-registered party “Alga” was sentenced for firing social discord, which mainly provoked the events in Janaozen. The rest have remained free but disappointed in the leader, who has lost the fight completely.
Today political analysts are guessing only about one thing: how soon shall Ablyazov be arrested? Considering his criminal past and contacts with criminal authorities we can suggest that the criminal shall be free yet for a long time. But he has already been written off as political opponent, as in today’s terms his main task is not to reveal the signs of activity.