

Germany's New Foreign Policy Orientation

By Nicolas Nagle

Among the questions raised by Germany's elections in September 2009 was the impact Chancellor Angela Merkel's new coalition partners would have on Berlin's foreign policy orientation. A number of developments since then have provided hints of areas of continuity, as well as others of potential change and even internal conflict. READ MORE

Will Moscow-Kiyv Ties Improve After Ukrainian Election?

By Andre de Nesnera

Ukrainians go to the polls Sunday to elect a new president. Analysts say who wins will determine the course of relations between Ukraine and Russia. READ MORE

Text of the video address from President Nursultan Nazarbayev

On the occasion of Kazakhstan’s assuming the Chairmanship in the OSCE.

January 2010 READ MORE

Enter a lawyer-composer

A result that bodes well for the future of Croatia and the western Balkans READ MORE

CSU rejects Foreign Minister Westerwelle's Turkey policy

The Christian Social Union (CSU) remains locked in a bitter row with government coalition partners the Free Democratic Party (FDP), after the Bavarian conservatives rejected Westerwelle's overtures to Turkey. READ MORE

Yushchenko and Yanukovych Forge an Electoral Alliance

By Taras Kuzio

On December 25, 2009 UNIAN published a secret agreement “On Political Reconciliation and the Development of Ukraine” leaked by Yaroslav Kozachok, the deputy head of the presidential secretariat’s department on domestic affairs and regional development. Kozachok resigned in protest at the secret agreement between President Viktor Yushchenko and Party of Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych to appoint the former as Prime Minister in the event of Yanukovych’s election. READ MORE

Kazakh-Turkmen Coop In Fuel And Energy Sphere Has Long-Term Character

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev pays a working visit to Turkmenistan. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan Askhat Orazbayev told Kazinform about the development of Kazakh relations with this country. READ MORE

Eastern Europeans Crave Power In EU Diplomatic Service

By Valentina Pop

The EU's newest member states are under-represented in the bloc's diplomatic service and among senior EU commission officials, Estonian president Toomas Ilves has said, urging the union's new leadership to alter the situation. READ MORE

Russia-Belarus Oil Dispute Threatens Europe’s Supply

By Andrew E. Kramer

Russia and Belarus have failed to renew an agreement on crude oil export tariffs that expired on New Year’s Eve, raising the prospect that yet another otherwise unremarkable energy pricing dispute between Russia and a neighbor could unravel into a midwinter fuel shut-off on the Continent. READ MORE

Preliminary Outlines Of Kazakhstan Chairmanship At OSCE In 2010

The address of the representative of Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Talgat Unaibayev during Minsk Conference “Chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in OSCE: prospects, problems and challenges”. READ MORE