

Hungary’s Prime Minister Bites the Hand that Feeds Him


By James Kirchick

On March 15, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stood before nearly 100,000 of his fellow countrymen in Budapest and declared, “Hungarians will not live as foreigners dictate.” Drawing an explicit connection between the European Union, which Hungary enthusiastically joined in 2004, and the Soviet Union, which brutally crushed a Hungarian revolt in 1956, Orbán said, “We are more than familiar with the character of unsolicited comradely assistance, even if it comes wearing a finely tailored suit and not a uniform with shoulder patches.” READ MORE

Nazarbaev supports antinuclear attitude of Obama


Kazakhstan has declared antinuclear support for the U.S. It also became a model of nuclear disarmament for the whole world, KazTAG agency reported citing U.S. President Barack Obama. READ MORE

Future of U.S.-Azerbaijani Relations

By Galib Mammadov

The strong relations between Azerbaijan and the United States are very important for both countries’ national and energy security. Both countries need to understand the importance of cooperation and need to take action to reinforce relations with each other. READ MORE

Recalibrating the U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan

By Dhruva Jaishankar

The protests in Afghanistan over the burning of copies of the Quran confiscated from detainees at Bagram Airfield have led to more than two dozen deaths, and have severely — perhaps even permanently — undermined the United States’ determined efforts to win hearts and minds in the country. The killing of NATO troops by members of Afghanistan’s security forces, or militants in their uniforms, is a dangerous new trend, and one that severely complicates relations between international security forces and their local hosts. It may now be time to consider new strategies by which to achieve U.S. and Western goals in Afghanistan. READ MORE

What Putin Means for Washington


By Jeffrey Mankoff

Washington had four years with the young, agreeable Dmitri Medvedev as its principal Russian interlocutor. But last week’s election confirmed that soon U.S. diplomats will once again be dealing directly with Vladimir Putin. What does Putin’s return mean for Russian foreign policy, and how should Washington adjust its own approach now that Putin, rather than Medvedev, will be sitting across the table? READ MORE

Kyrgyzstan: A Look at Central Asia’s Drug War


By Richard Weitz

The volume of narcotics flowing out of Afghanistan to Central Asia and Russia appears to have decreased slightly over the past year. But the stockpile of opiates that traffickers already have on hand is sufficient to supply users in Central Asia and Russia for 15 years, according to a leading drug-control expert in Kyrgyzstan. READ MORE

US-Russia 'reset' gets a boost with Russian offer of airbase

By Fred Weir

Russia has made an unprecedented offer that indicates a desire to improve ties ahead of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.  READ MORE

United States and Great Britain: an essential relationship


By Barack Obama and David Cameron

The alliance between our countries is a partnership of the heart – we count on each other and the world counts on that alliance READ MORE

How to Read the British State Visit


Interviewee: Charles A. Kupchan, Whitney Shepardson Senior Fellow, CFR
Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, CFR.org READ MORE

Bad blood

Polish-Lithuanian ties are ancient but increasingly acrimonious. READ MORE