

All Things Must Pass

By Andrew Slov

‘Kyrgyz question’ will become one of the central ones at December’s OSCE Summit in Astana? READ MORE

Kyrgyzstan Prepares To Hold Parliamentary Elections After Turbulent Events

By Bruce Pannier

As the official campaign season kicked off for national Kyrgyz elections on September 10, 29 parties were officially in the running for seats in the country's parliament. READ MORE

The International Factor in the Events in Southern Kyrgyzstan

By Richard Rousseau

Most observers at the moment are in the dark as to the causes and the instigators of the riots in the Osh and Jalalabad regions of Kyrgyzstan, which have been ongoing since 10 June. READ MORE

Bakiev Says He Doesn't Intend To Return To Kyrgyzstan As President

By Farangis Najibullah

Former Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiev said the resignation he signed had not come into force because the interim authorities reneged on a promise to protect his relatives. READ MORE

Stopping Prohibited. More Challenges Are Still To Come

Who are new leaders of post-revolutionary Kyrgyzstan? Who will take over key position in the government? Who is going to manage the marginalized population? Are the power transfer procedures going to be legitimate? Who will represent the republic in the international community? Today, everyone is concerned with these questions. We are not giving certain answers. Our Bishkek-based correspondent provided the portrait sketch of new government and general situation in Kyrgyzstan.  READ MORE

Kyrgyzstan's Role In Regional Security

With the war in Afghanistan drawing international attention, the Kyrgyz Republic and other Central Asian countries seem to have fallen off of the American agenda. During his diplomatic visit to the United States, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Kadyrbek Sarbaev spoke at the Carnegie Endowment about the need to revamp Kyrgyz-US relations. In particular, he stressed that many of the problems plaguing Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan are in fact regional problems, and that multilateral negotiations and mutual concessions can help find solutions to these problems. READ MORE