Stefan Eriksson: “I think Belarusian side knows our expectations well”
Sweden replaced Czech Republic in its position of a head country of European Union. On this subject the ambassador of Sweden in Belarus Stefan Eriksson answered the questions. READ MORE
Opposition takes Bulgarian elections
Bulgaria' ruling Socialists have suffered a resounding defeat in parliamentary elections, but the jubilant centre-right opposition will still need coalition partners to form a new government. READ MORE
None of the EU Program “Eastern Partnership” Member-States Has Presented Its Financial Projects for the Commission
The EC representative Christiane Hohmann states that the “Eastern Partnership” program is performed as planned and won’t be “frozen”. READ MORE
"We can offer very much to Europe”
"We can offer very much to Europe: share our experience of a compromise culture and solidarity, and cope together with the still existing divisions," the President underlined in Lublin READ MORE
EU warns Tehran over detained British embassy staff
The European Union agreed on Sunday that intimidation and harassment of European diplomatic staff by Iran in Tehran would be met with a "strong and collective response." READ MORE
Erdogan criticizes Germany, France for blocking Turkey's EU bid
During a visit to Brussels to revive Ankara's deadlocked EU accession talks, Turkish Premier Erdogan slammed Germany and France for opposing full EU membership for his predominantly Muslim country. READ MORE
Palestine to Punjab, Bosnia to Baku: A Tour of Security Challenges Facing Europe and America with Carl Bildt
Sweden’s top priorities for its European Union presidency include signing a global climate agreement at Copenhagen, managing the political ramifications of the once-in-a-generation economic crisis, and building the infrastructure needed to reflect the EU’s growing global clout. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt outlined the EU’s plans to tackle urgent foreign policy challenges in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran while simultaneously ushering in an era of deeper European integration with the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. READ MORE
Eastern States Jostle To Host EU Energy Agency
Romania launched a campaign to host the future European agency for the cooperation of energy regulators (ACER), entering a competition with existing rival bids by Slovenia and Slovakia. EU agencies are decentralised executive bodies, distinct from its institutions, to which a specific task is assigned. READ MORE
Armenia Presses Ahead with Nuclear Power Plant Construction
Armenia is pressing ahead with its ambitious plans to build a new nuclear power station to replace the aging Soviet-era facility at Metsamor slated for decommissioning by 2017. The Armenian government has commissioned an Australian engineering company to manage the project. However, the key question of who will provide the funding needed for the plant's construction remains unanswered. READ MORE
Russia-West Partnership Hurt by Moscow's Paranoia
Russia has an ongoing fear of being encircled and slowly pushed back by the West, making it difficult for other nations to have valuable relations with Moscow. Should the West even pursue a partnership with such a paranoid regime, even though the alternative is very unpleasant? READ MORE