The Eastern Partnership aims at helping partner countries to address the challenges they face, told EU Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner's spokesperson, Christiane Hohmann in an interview to a REGNUM .
According to her, drawing up the Eastern Partnership, EU wanted to support the political and economic reform efforts of our partner countries and we want to offer them our practical assistance for their modernization efforts in order to promote stability, security and prosperity in the region. “Therefore, I think that this initiative is even more relevant in times of a global economic and financial crisis: This investment into the political and economic stability of our Eastern Partners will help them face the challenges ahead and stronger eastern neighbors will also be beneficial for Europe. Therefore, I am certain that the investments will pay off and present a win-win solution for all”, stressed Hohmann.
In regard to Ukrainian and Moldavian EU membership perspective Christiane Hohmann underscored, that building a relationship with any partner has to be a two way street. “EU has plenty to offer to the Eastern Partner countries –like Ukraine and Moldova. European Union wants to encourage their progress on political and economic reforms, which ultimately will lead to more prosperity and stability in the countries – also in economic terms”.
“However, let me be very clear on one point: the Eastern Partnership does not offer a membership prospective to these countries, but it is the recognition of our Eastern Partners intention to come closer to the European Union. With the different aspects of the Eastern Partnership we aim at fostering the economic and social development in these countries as well as at bringing these countries as close to the EU as is possible while fully respecting the political circumstances”, said Hohmann.
It is worth mentioning The European Council on December 2008 adopted the Eastern Partnership Program, based on proposals of Poland and Sweden. Eastern Partnership includes Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan and aims to help these countries to meet EU standards.