Central European Chairmen
Energy security is the main priority of Lithuania, as a future Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE. READ MORE
Baku summit brings agreement on Caspian Sea delimitation closer
The presidents of the Caspian states of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan agreed on Thursday to take steps to resolve the long-standing dispute over the Caspian Sea delimitation. READ MORE
Georgia Unveils Details of Nuclear Smuggling Case
Georgia made public details of its sting operation, which, it said, in March 2010 led to seizure of 18 grams of highly enriched uranium (HEU), thought to be a sample of a larger stash. READ MORE
EU Signals New Trade Tool To Coerce China
Europe's top trade official has signaled his intention to create a new retaliatory trade tool, amid ongoing complaints from European businesses that they are being excluded from Chinese public contracts. READ MORE
Nuclear Deal With Iran All for Show
The Obama administration is preparing the ground for tougher sanctions on Iran by pushing to revive last year's ill-fated fuel swap deal. The renewed proposal to swap Iran's low enriched uranium for research reactor fuel is not a serious attempt at engagement, as the Unites States knows it will likely fail. Instead, it is intended to depict the United States as a reasonable negotiating partner, and Iran as a duplicitous state bent on obtaining the bomb at all costs. This could increase support for harsher international sanctions that are more strictly implemented. READ MORE
Russian Offer On Tapi Comes With Too Many Restrictions
Despite a near reversal by Russia on its opposition to the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline, Turkmenistan has decided not to cut them in on the project. READ MORE
The New Maritime Arctic
Russian geopolitics of the 21st century will be different from the days of empire and conflict of the nineteenth and twentieth. The increased accessibility of the Arctic, with its energy and mineral resources, new fisheries, shortened sea routes and shipping along the rivers between the Arctic coast and the Eurasian heartland, is both enabling and propelling Russia to become a major maritime state. READ MORE
Russia Targeting Oil Assets in Poland and Lithuania
On October 30, Poland announced its intention to privatize the state-owned majority stake in the country’s second-largest oil industry concern, Lotos Group. The Polish government is inviting interested parties to pre-tender talks on the Lotos Group. READ MORE
Turkey, Turkmenistan Seek Alternative Gas Supplies
The Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov and the Turkish President Abdullah Gul, who met the day before in the Caspian city of Turkmenbashi, expressed their intention "to develop cooperation in the sphere of supplies of Turkmen natural gas to world markets through alternative routes, the final joint communiqué, issued by the local media on Saturday, says. READ MORE
Westerwelle Repeats Call For Withdrawal Of NATO Nuclear Weapons
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, speaking during a parliamentary debate, has again called on the country’s NATO allies to remove their stockpiles of nuclear weapons from German soil. READ MORE