Will Kazakhstan's oil reach Europe?

The main trend of the strategy for export of Kazakhstan’s energy resources is ultimate diversification of its roads, therefore oil export to Europe is in compliance with the country‘s interests. READ MORE
Kazakhstan Gets Jump on Caspian Naval Race

It may not approach the scale of the great battleship race between Britain and Germany that preceded World War I, but a naval build-up is currently and quietly taking place on the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan appears to be setting the pace, with plans to buy six ships for its navy by the end of 2010. READ MORE
Sergey Boyarkin: Rosenergoatom can Negotiate Freely

North Germany Experiences Energy Deficit that is Still Covered by the Energy Imported from Poland. READ MORE
Europe’s top banks keen on funding Nabucco

As global financial market recovers, Europe’s major commercial banks are getting more interested in financing the Nabucco gas pipeline project, which will pump Caspian and Central Asian gas to European markets. The consortium on the Nabucco gas pipeline project are holding talks with international financial institutions, including European Investment Bank and EBRD, to attract financing for construction of the 7.9-billion-euro pipeline. READ MORE
Obama's energy pipe dreams

"For decades, we've talked and talked about the need to end America's century-long addiction to fossil fuels... Time and time again, the path forward has been blocked -- not only by oil industry lobbyists, but also by a lack of political courage and candor." READ MORE
'Gas War' Between Gazprom And Belarus

The European Commission has called an emergency meeting. READ MORE
Strategic decisions adopted by the European Council will help prevent crises in the future

President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė calls the decisions adopted by the European Council strategic and important for Lithuania and for the whole European Union. The Heads of States gathered in Brussels agreed that all Member States will perform stress tests on their banking systems in the effort to stabilise financial markets. According to President Dalia Grybauskaitė, testing in Lithuania will be performed by the central bank and the Ministry of Finance. READ MORE
EU approves harsh new sanctions against Iran

The European Union and the United States apparently find it easier to take on the Iranian nuclear problem than the global financial crisis. On June 17, EU government chiefs agreed to new sanctions against Iran at a Brussels summit. U.S. President Barack Obama was no doubt pleased to hear the news, even though the U.S. and the EU had most likely coordinated the sanctions in advance. READ MORE
"Turkey not junior US partner any more"

F. Stephen Larrabee, an expert on Turkey at the RAND Corporation, says the days when Turkey was a "junior partner" of the United States are over. READ MORE
Kazakhstan’s ‘Path to Europe’ Opens the West’s Bridge to Asia

Kazakhstan, often perceived in western capitals in terms of its energy wealth or its close relationship with Russia, is undoubtedly an important geostrategic player in Eurasia and in early 2010 became the first former Soviet country to chair the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which has elicited speculation and controversy concerning its role and potential. READ MORE