Vimont: EU shouldn’t underestimate its soft power

Despite the EU’s difficulties to get its voice heard on the Syria crisis, Pierre Vimont argues that the 28-country bloc should not underestimate its soft power footprint: “I don’t pretend that we’re doing as much as we’d like, but we’re as active as possible, at least in our neighbourhood.” READ MORE
Russia moves against Lithuania

Russia suspended imports of dairy products from neighboring Lithuania today. The move comes just a few weeks before the EU, whose rotating presidency Lithuania currently holds, convenes with former Soviet republics in Kiev to sign a number of association agreements that the Kremlin strongly objects to. READ MORE
Former Soviet states stand up to Russia. Will the U.S.?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has had some success recently using his support for the Assad regime in Syria to strengthen Moscow’s position in the Middle East. But his progress on this front is much less important than Moscow’s growing troubles in its “near abroad,” as it refers to the strategically vital area to its immediate west. READ MORE
Tevan J. Poghosyan: Simultaneous participation in both the CU and DCFTA-envisaged regimes is not possible

Exclusive interview of the President International Center for Human Development (ICHD) , Member of the Parliament, National Assembly of Armenia Mr Tevan J. Poghosyan READ MORE
Austrian grand coalition looks to have fended off euroskeptic challengers

Voters in Austria have finished casting their ballots in an election that looks likely to return a grand coalition to power. Predictions indicated their share of the vote had been significantly eroded by euroskeptics. READ MORE
Vilnius Summit – a new beginning for Moldova

President Dalia Grybauskaitė met with the Prime Minister of Moldova, Iurie Leancă. The meeting focused on preparations for the upcoming Vilnius Summit to be held in November, as well as Moldova's progress in implementing reforms. An EU association agreement is expected to be initialed with Moldova at the summit. READ MORE
Europe and Turkey: In search of a new world

Some EU governments act in contradiction with a strategic vision for the common European values and interest when they block Turkey’s accession talks. READ MORE
Baku and Washington find out the relationship

U.S. Commander in Azerbaijan special group to monitor the presidential election on October 9. Report this press officer of the U.S. Embassy in Baku Jonas Stewart said that the observation will be engaged in small group of U.S. diplomatic mission. This decision was preceded by an unexpected message of the U.S. Embassy to cancel his visit to Azerbaijan, the U.S. delegation led by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Melia. READ MORE
Ukrainians in Poland are a market of millions

How many Ukrainians are there in Poland in reality, along with the people which who can be the target of marketing actions ob the ground of a slogan “Buy your Ukrainian goods”? Before we attempt to state some numbers, we should specify, who exactly we mean. As this Ukrainian group in Poland is much broader than it seems at first glance. READ MORE