Big Plans for Greater Europe

The relevance of the concept of Greater Europe, stretching from Iceland and Norway in the north to Turkey in the south, and from Portugal in the west to Russia in the east, and the prospects for this concept becoming reality were discussed by Irina Busygina, Professor at the Moscow International Relations Institute (MGIMO) and RIAC expert, and Dmitry Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Centre in Moscow and RIAC member.
NATO-Russia Council discusses widening cooperation

NATO Defence Ministers together with their Russian counterpart, Sergey Shoygu, discussed ways to widen their practical cooperation and exchanged views on pressing events on the international agenda, including Syria, during a NATO-Russia Council (NRC) meeting on Wednesday (23 October 2013). “We are doing more together an ever before and counter-terrorism is a centre-piece of our cooperation,” said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. READ MORE
Kazakhstan's contribution to regional security marked NATO

The forum was attended by 340 parliamentarians from 28 countries. READ MORE
Sweden to join NATO Response Force and exercise Steadfast Jazz

Sweden has offered to send staff officers to exercise Steadfast Jazz 2013. With the approval by NATO Allies, the Nordic nation becomes the third partner country to join Steadfast Jazz, alongside Finland and Ukraine. READ MORE

Norway's military budget in the coming year once again increase. The Ministry of Defense announced the ambitious project of the kingdom. READ MORE
Speech by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the Conference "A New Era for EU-US Trade"

Mr. Dybvad, Karsten
Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for that kind welcome. And let me thank the Confederation of Danish Industry for organising this conference. It’s a pleasure to be with you to talk about a topic that is close to my heart: The transatlantic relationship. READ MORE
Approaches to Conflict Resolution in the OSCE Area (2013)

Launched in 2012 at the initiative of the Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, the OSCE Security Days is the forum for dialogue on the current and future role of the OSCE as a security organization. Another Security Days event was dedicated to very important topic of current and new approaches to conflict resolution in the OSCE area. There are still number of mutually hurting frozen conflicts in the OSCE area which remain unresolved. Certainly, OSCE should further focus on conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution issues. Protracted conflicts in Moldova, Georgia and Nagorno-Karabakh have deep negative impact not only to parties involved but also for wider international community and , therefore, these conflicts should remain high on international security agenda. READ MORE
300 Lithuanian troops to take part in NATO exercises in Poland and Baltics

300 Lithuanian troops will take part in the so-called Chapter 5 exercises in Poland and the Baltic States, designed to test preparedness of the NATO Response Force to respond to an international crisis. READ MORE
Georgian ambassador: Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway shortest route for ISAF's return

The top Georgian diplomat in Ankara Irakli Koplatadze has said that the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway offers the cheapest and shortest way for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan to return home. READ MORE
France has most cybercrime victims in Europe

The French suffer more from cybercrime than any other Europeans, computer security company Symantec has found. And French companies need to take urgent action to protect themselves from fraud and espionage on the internet, the head of the national cybersecurity agency warns. READ MORE