Uzbekistan has become a full member of the Inter-Islam Network of Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM), Jahon agency at the Uzbek Foreign Ministry announced.
A decision was made at a meeting of managing board of the organization in Amman, Jordan, with the participation of Uzbek delegation led by the deputy minister for agriculture and water economy.
An Uzbek delegation held a meeting with Executive Director of the international organization Murad Jabay Bino, who welcomed Uzbekistan's decision to enter the organization. Bino voiced his hope that Uzbekistan's membership at the organization will boost the international image of the INWRDAM.
INWRDAM executive director supported approach of Uzbekistan to problems of construction of new hydro power stations at trans-border rivers in Central Asia. He said the unilateral orientation of neighbouring states to use water resources violates international principles on water use and can harm ecological situation in the regional scale.
He said that one-sided orientation of the neighboring countries for the management of water resources in their own interests undermines the established principles of equitable distribution of resources of trans-boundary watercourses is contrary to the fundamental international legal norms in this field. It can provoke a worsening of environmental conditions on a regional scale and have a negative impact on all countries of Central Asia.
He was informed about the position of Uzbekistan on the management of trans-boundary water resources in Central Asia, information on activities in the country, the work to improve the structure of water management, the introduction of effective management and conservation.
The Managing considered Action Plan for 2010-2012. Under the four programs will be realized with the financial support of the Islamic Development Bank, the Asian Bank for Development and other international organizations.
These are projects on impact of climatic changes on water resources of the OIC member-states, development and rational use of water resources in Central Asia, introduction of water saving technologies and others to INWRDAM
Taking into consideration Uzbekistan's experience in use of irrigation and drainage system the INWARDAM offered to consider the possibility of organizing a relevant workshop in Uzbekistan.
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