European countries sign gas pipeline deals with Russia

Russian natural gas giant Gazprom has signed deals with companies from four European nations, paving the way for a new natural gas pipeline that sidesteps the Ukraine and worries Brussels.
International Security and Its Influence on Fuel and Energy Complex of Caspian Region

Fuel and Energy Complex covers the sphere of mining and production of energy resources, processing, delivery and consumption of all types of energy. FEC of Caspian region that includes all Central Asia, Caucasus and Caspian Sea adjoining regions of Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran is pretty well developed and includes oil and gas industries, power industry grounding of thermal and hydroelectric power plants, and also a great number of coal and natural uranium fields in development. READ MORE
RosGas AG to Control 20 Percent of Hungarian Gas Distribution
Barely nine days after the Hungarian gas trader Emfesz KFT announced that it will begin receiving supplies of 3 billion cubic meters annually from the Zug (Switzerland) based company RosGas AG, rather than the now inactive RosUkrEnergo (RUE) the Russian press reported that Emfesz has been sold to RosGas. Thus RosGas, a little-known company, now controls 20 percent of the Hungarian domestic gas distribution market. READ MORE
Marathon of Prague Summits is Over

Two of four summits held in Prague under the aegis of the EU attracted attention of world media the most: on the issues of Polish-Swedish initiative of Eastern Partnership and “Southern Corridor – New Silk Road”. Participants of these summits singed political declarations.
Two others concerned the cooperation of the EU with Canada and the problems of employment within the EU states. READ MORE
DECLARATION - Prague Summit, Southern Corridor, May 8, 2009

We, the Participants of the Southern Corridor Summit held in Prague on the 8th of May 2009; READ MORE
Kazakhstan to control Caspian crude supplies

Kazakhstan plans to control the supplies of its crude through the Caspian Sea. Currently, the government is involved in difficult negotiations with its partners for a 51 percent control stake in the Kazakhstan Caspian Transportation System (KCTS,) the Kazakh Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sauat Mynbayev told New Europe. “By all means, 51 percent; we will not join that project, formally or informally, for anything lower that 51 percent,” he said. READ MORE
Turkey: Washington’s Geopolitical Pivot

The recent visit of US President Obama to Turkey was far more significant than the President’s speech would suggest. For Washington Turkey today has become a geopolitical “pivot state” which is in the position to tilt the Eurasian power equation towards Washington or significantly away from it depending on how Turkey develops its ties with Moscow and its role regarding key energy pipelines. READ MORE
Azerbaijan Looking at Narrow Gas Export Options

At the oil and gas conference just held in Baku, Industry and Energy Minister Natig Aliyev, confirmed that Azerbaijan strives for access to European markets as the main export destination for Azerbaijani gas and, potentially, for Turkmen gas via Azerbaijan to Europe. READ MORE
Mitschek: Nabucco consortium making headway

Significant progress has been achieved with Turkey on moving forward the Nabucco gas pipeline project, Reinhard Mitschek told, managing director of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International. READ MORE
US Envoy Morningstar: No Either-Or Situation in Eurasian Energy

Answers by the US Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy, Ambassador Richard L Morningstar, to questions by's Ivan Dikov during Morningstar's press conference after the end of the Sofia Energy Summit "Natural Gas for Europe", April 25, 2009.