Congressman: Azerbaijan is reliable trading partner and ally of Europe and US

The United States should help its European allies to diversify their energy sources, specifically natural gas, head of US delegation to the NATO parliamentary Assembly, US Congressman Michael Turner's article, posted on American media-resource The Hill said. READ MORE
Commander of the Land Forces of Poland conducted a formal visit in Lithuania

On July 1-3 Commander of the Polish Land Forces Lieutenant General Zbigniew Glowienka and a delegation were conducting a formal visit in Lithuania. On July 2 the guest met with Commander of the Lithuanian Land Force Major General Almantas Leika and Commander of the National Defence Volunteer Force Colonel Romualdas Moldaris, a meeting with Chief of defence Of Lithuania Lieutenant General Arvydas Pocius at the Ministry of National Defence followed. The aim of the visit was to exchange information on relevant issues of the Lithuanian and the Polish Land Forces and to discuss plans and perspectives of further cooperation. READ MORE
The Caspian Sea – the arena of contracting of the world superplayers

The Caspian region has already become the area of close fucos for the countries of North and South, East and West. This region, where already today there are political, military-strategic and economic interests of many countries of the world, by this not only of Caspian states (Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan), but also the most powerful world’s players – the USA, European Union, China. READ MORE
Armenia gets ready for a new Strategic Defense Review phase

Within the preparation of the new phase of Strategic Defense Review (SDR), the advisory group from U.S. and Great Britain paid a visit to Armenia on July 7-13. READ MORE
Why the Sahel Is Crucial to Europe’s Neighborhood — and Its Security Strategy

The ongoing crises in Syria and Egypt have marginalized the conflict in Mali in the Western media. But the French-led military intervention in that country is facing a complex and challenging transitional period. United Nations Special Envoy for the Sahel Romano Prodi recently warned the international community to “not forget the Sahel, or you will have more Malis if you do.” That is a prospect that European countries — including France — will certainly not relish, yet they lack the political will or the capacity to ensure a favorable outcome. Transatlantic actors now, more than ever, need to rethink their cooperation in the region and strengthen their alliances with local powers. READ MORE
Trans-Atlantic trade talks not overshadowed by NSA scandal

Harsh criticism follows US-German talks on NSATrans-Atlantic trade talks not overshadowed by NSA scandal'The EU should grant Snowden the right to stay'Is the Internet too American?US data snooping ruffles German feathers'We need to protect ourselves from our friends''Stop spying, and educate people about the Internet'A call for digital disobedience EU demands explanation over surveillance claimsDoes the NSA go head-hunting at Facebook?New law allows German investigators access to PIN and passwordsOpinion: Watch out! Know your friends!Tapping the world's fiber optic cables'We had no idea about this sort of activity'British G20 espionage no big deal?'Facebook & Co. ignore fundamental rights'Metadata reveal much about what you do online Germans intercept electronic data, too - but not much. READ MORE
Portuguese president calls for early elections in 2014

Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva threw the bailed-out eurozone country into disarray yesterday (July 11) after rejecting a plan to heal a government rift, igniting what critics called a "time bomb" by calling for early elections next year. READ MORE
Logisticians in ''Fairyland''

NATO forces were deployed to the fictitious country of “Fairyland” to put logistic systems, equipment and procedures to the test in what was the Alliance’s largest-ever logistics exercise. Held in Slovakia from 8 to 26 June, Capable Logistician 2013 involved NATO member and partner countries in a simulated crisis involving inter-ethnic conflict and floods of refugees. READ MORE
Welcome to Europe’s Painful New Normal

In case you haven’t noticed, the great European crisis is the biggest political game changer in postwar history. READ MORE
Secretary General stresses value of defence cooperation on visit to Hungary

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stressed the importance of multinational cooperation to improve defence capabilities during his visit to Hungary on Monday (1 July 2013), which included talks with top Hungarian officials and a visit to the Strategic Airlift Capability at the NATO airbase in Pápa. “This is a perfect example of smart cooperation: nations working together to provide a capability which they could not afford on their own,” the Secretary General said. READ MORE